I recently purchased Nava Atlas' Vegan Express cookbook, as I really need to find fast recipes to throw together while the little one is chipper. Since the weather is getting nicer, we've been looking for salads (Kyle wants to eat salad every day). We had an avocado and mango kicking around in the fridge, so the Black Bean Salad with Avocado and Mango seemed fitting (again, I'm nowhere near the cookbook now, so the title could be off).
I liked it, but couldn't tell if it needed to be sweet or salty. I re-read the recipe, and sure enough, no salt was mentioned. With the onions and avocado, I was looking for a salty flavour, like guac. But with the mango and lime juice, it seemed like a sweet salad.
Regardless, it was good and not spicy (conducive to breastfeeding), but I'm still wondering what to add to it to make me not question whether to add sweetness or saltiness. If anyone else makes this and has any ideas, please let me know!