Thursday, September 19, 2013

Vegan MoFo - Day 19

Well, I missed another day but I was distracted by a big bus-train crash in my community that has been major national news. My condolences to those who lost their loved ones, and I wish a speedy recovery to the many injured. 

I just can't be too lighthearted about today's entry...again testing for Dreena Burton and this time it was for Healthy Caramel Apple Sauce (Dip? Can't remember the exact name and recipe isn't close). It's meant to be a healthier version of the caramel on a caramel apple:

Clearly this is not smooth and glossy. But man, is it ever tasty! And I don't have to worry about the kids burning themselves on a hot syrup as they decorate. Now I've never tried a caramel nor candy apple, but these were yummy. This sauce/dip would be great to dip any fruit into.

The toppings were the fun part - chocolate chips, coconut and candied hempseeds! Just combine 1 cup hempseeds with 1 cup sugar in a frying pan with a couple of tablespoons of water. Cook over medium heat, stirring frequently until sugar is almost dried and mixture doesn't seem overly wet, then pour onto a cookie sheet lined with parchment and cool. Makes a great snack too!


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